
Lifestyle and lifestyle design are words that gets thrown around a lot in the online space.
When I first started getting into this business, it was all about the fancy cars and mansions and the black suitcases with stacks of hundred dollar bills inside. That’s what all of these “gurus” would talk about, and in each of their videos and images online, that’s what was strategically shown. Then, of course, I was presented with a sales page for their next $2000 product that would give me the information I needed to give me access to those things.
Yeah, right.
In 2008, after I was let go from my architectural position during the recession, I didn’t want fancy cars, mansions or millions of dollars. Those things were way beyond what was on my mind. I just wanted to be okay. I just wanted to be happy, to be able to support my brand new family and be in control of my own financial situation.
Lifestyle isn’t about what anyone else has or wants. It’s about what would truly make YOU happy.
If you could create your perfect day, what exactly would that look like? Have you actually ever thought about that? What would your life be like?
Lifestyle design is about understanding exactly what would make you happy, and then taking action and making decisions that will help you get there.
Too many people work really hard, but they don’t truly understand the most important question in the world:
“For what?”
For most, including me when I was working 9 to 5, the answer was “so I can retire happily at the age of 65.”
And that’s okay – but that’s such a long term goal. What about everything else important in-between?
The truth is, 65 may never come around, and it’s on us to make things happen now and not wait until we’re 65 to finally start enjoying life.
Understanding your “for whats” will then help you determine “your hows”. It’s sort of like we’re reverse engineering – figure out the outcome we want, and then we can work backwards and determine the best path to get there.
For me, my “for what” is so that I can spend time here at home with my family and be here to witness all of my kids’ firsts. If you read my content long enough or listen to my podcast, that will become very apparent. It’s exactly why my family is featured on my About Page, because that’s exactly what I’m about. My how is through online businesses that allow me the freedom to work on them, not in them. It’s choosing to work at night after the kids are asleep instead of during the day – again, designing my life to do exactly that which would make me happy.
My for what will be different than yours, but it’s important to understand what yours is. Maybe it is the fancy cars and mansions and black suitcases full of cash – and if that’s the case, that’s awesome. Now you know, and now you can do what it takes to make that happen.
Whatever the case may be, I hope this has helped frame your mind to think in the short term goals as opposed to only that big goal down the roadI hope my message here has helped you understand that you need to know what you’re working for – because when you’re working just to stay busy or because it’s what you think you’re supposed to do, how can it possibly be exactly what you should be doing to make you happy.
I’m here for you – and I hope you enjoy the rest of the content here on the blog.

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